5 Easy Steps To Turn Off Your Voicemail On iPhone

5 Easy Steps To Turn Off Your Voicemail On iPhone

5 Easy Steps To Turn Off Your Voicemail On iPhone

**Featured Picture:** [Image of an iPhone with the voicemail icon on the screen]

When you’re bored with your voicemail filling up with undesirable messages, otherwise you simply do not wish to be bothered with checking it, you possibly can flip it off. Turning off voicemail in your iPhone is a fast and straightforward course of that solely takes a number of steps. On this article, we’ll stroll you thru the steps on how you can flip off voicemail in your iPhone, in addition to present some extra tips about how you can handle your voicemail settings.

As soon as you have turned off voicemail, you may not obtain voicemail messages. Nonetheless, you possibly can nonetheless examine your voicemail by calling your voicemail quantity and getting into your password. It’s also possible to arrange voicemail forwarding in order that your voicemail messages are forwarded to a different telephone quantity. To arrange voicemail forwarding, merely name your voicemail quantity and observe the prompts.

Flip Your Voicemail Off iPhone

To show off your voicemail in your iPhone, observe these steps:

  1. Open the Telephone app.
  2. Faucet the Voicemail tab.
  3. Faucet the Settings icon within the upper-left nook.
  4. Toggle the Voicemail swap to the off place.

Upon getting turned off your voicemail, callers will not have the ability to go away you voicemails. You’ll nonetheless have the ability to obtain textual content messages and calls.

Folks Additionally Ask About Flip Your Voicemail Off iPhone

How do I flip my voicemail off briefly?

You may flip your voicemail off briefly by setting a Do Not Disturb schedule. To do that, open the Settings app and faucet Do Not Disturb. Faucet the Schedule button and choose the times and instances you wish to flip off your voicemail. When Do Not Disturb is turned on, callers will be unable to go away you voicemails.

How do I flip my voicemail off for a particular contact?

You can not flip your voicemail off for a particular contact in your iPhone. Nonetheless, you possibly can block a particular contact in order that they will be unable to name or textual content you. To do that, open the Telephone app and faucet the Contacts tab. Discover the contact you wish to block and faucet the Information button. Faucet the Block this Caller button.

How do I flip my voicemail off from one other telephone?

You can not flip your voicemail off from one other telephone. Nonetheless, you possibly can name your voicemail and go away a message for your self. To do that, dial your individual telephone quantity and observe the prompts to go away a message.