5 Easy Ways to Leave a Voicemail Without Calling on iPhone

5 Easy Ways to Leave a Voicemail Without Calling on iPhone

5 Easy Ways to Leave a Voicemail Without Calling on iPhone

Voicemail is a handy strategy to go away a message for somebody after they’re not accessible to reply their cellphone. Nonetheless, there are occasions when it’s possible you’ll not need to name somebody straight, reminiscent of for those who’re in a gathering or in a public place. Happily, there’s a strategy to go away a voicemail with out calling in your iPhone. This may be carried out utilizing the Cellphone app’s “Report Voicemail” function.

To go away a voicemail with out calling, open the Cellphone app and go to the contact you need to go away a message for. Then, faucet the “Voicemail” tab and choose “Report Voicemail.” You’ll then be capable to file your message. As soon as you might be completed recording, faucet the “Finished” button. Your message will then be despatched to the recipient’s voicemail inbox.

The “Report Voicemail” function is a good way to depart a message for somebody with out having to name them straight. This may be particularly helpful if you’re in a state of affairs the place you can’t or don’t need to make a cellphone name. Moreover, you need to use the “Report Voicemail” function to depart a message for your self, which may be useful for reminders or different functions.

Finish and Save Your Recording

4. Finalize and Save Your Recording:

As soon as you have composed your message, it is advisable to finish the recording and put it aside. This is an in depth information:

Step Motion
a. Faucet the crimson “Cease” button to cease recording.
b. Evaluate your recording by tapping the “Play” button. In case you’re glad, faucet “Finished.”
c. Select the way you need to ship the voicemail:

  • Ship Now: Instantly sends the voicemail to the recipient.
  • Save Draft: Saves the voicemail as a draft that you would be able to edit and ship later.
  • Discard: Deletes the recording and begins over.

Notice: In case you’re sending the voicemail now, you will be prompted to enter the recipient’s cellphone quantity or choose them out of your contacts.

Take heed to Your Despatched Message

To hearken to a voicemail message you have despatched, comply with these steps:

  1. Open the Cellphone app.
  2. Faucet the "Voicemail" tab.
  3. Discover the message you need to hearken to and faucet on it.
  4. Faucet the "Play" button.

It’s also possible to hearken to your despatched voicemail messages out of your laptop by going to the iCloud web site and signing in together with your Apple ID. When you’re signed in, click on on the "Voicemail" icon and choose the message you need to hearken to.

Pause and Resume a Despatched Message

  • Faucet the "Pause" button to pause a despatched message.
  • Faucet the "Play" button to renew it.

Rewind and Quick-Ahead a Despatched Message

  • Drag the playback progress bar to rewind or fast-forward a despatched message.

Desk of Playback Controls

Playback Controls Perform
Pause Pauses the message.
Play Resumes the message.
Rewind Rewinds the message.
Quick-Ahead Quick-forwards the message.
Quantity Adjusts the amount of the message.

How To Depart A Voicemail With out Calling On Iphone

Apple’s visible voicemail function means that you can shortly and simply go away a voicemail for somebody with out having to really name them. This may be a good way to save lots of time, particularly for those who’re on the go or do not have time to speak.

To go away a voicemail with out calling, merely comply with these steps:

  1. Open the Cellphone app in your iPhone.
  2. Faucet the Voicemail tab.
  3. Faucet the compose icon.
  4. Enter the cellphone variety of the particular person you need to go away a message for.
  5. Faucet the Report button.
  6. Converse your message, then faucet the Cease button.
  7. Faucet the Ship button.

Your voicemail will probably be despatched to the recipient’s voicemail inbox, and they’re going to be capable to hearken to it at their comfort.

Folks Additionally Ask About How To Depart A Voicemail With out Calling On Iphone

How can I go away a voicemail with out calling on my iPhone from my laptop?

You possibly can go away a voicemail with out calling in your iPhone out of your laptop through the use of the Visible Voicemail service. This service means that you can entry your voicemail messages on-line, and you need to use it to depart new messages as effectively. To make use of Visible Voicemail, you’ll need to have an iPhone 6 or later and be operating iOS 10 or later. It’s also possible to use Visible Voicemail in your Mac if in case you have macOS Sierra or later.

To go away a voicemail with out calling in your iPhone out of your laptop, comply with these steps:

  1. Open an online browser and go to the Visible Voicemail web site.
  2. Register together with your Apple ID.
  3. Click on the “Compose” button.
  4. Enter the cellphone variety of the particular person you need to go away a message for.
  5. Click on the “Report” button.
  6. Converse your message, then click on the “Cease” button.
  7. Click on the “Ship” button.

Your voicemail will probably be despatched to the recipient’s voicemail inbox, and they’re going to be capable to hearken to it at their comfort.